Sunday, February 25, 2007

My turn!!

To have a bout of the lurgy!!! I feel so peely-wally-not really ill, but out of sorts!I have been sleeping for Wales and then finding it hard to wake up...i just knew this would happen-after the children and Rob's trips to the doctor-it was only a matter of time. It seems to be settling in my throat today so at least I will have something to tell the doc-if I can get an appointment next week!!
Not even wanted to scrap at all-managed to shop a little though-got some gorgeous new Cosmo Cricket on its way from Mel and Jill.
Rob had a few days off at the end of half term, but Phoebe wanted to go the pictures with Maddie and with me being so lethargic, we just spent our time together potching around the house.Never mind-only 5 weeks until Easter!!! Training Day tomorrow at New Inn-not looking forward to it as it is the annual cluster Training Day-when all schools in the area train together-a day of total irrelevance to our setting!!Six hours of "Effective Questioning Techniques" which will be totally dominated by the comp teachers and their issues-if the past few years are any thing to go by.
This is a real moany post so its best I stop now and see if my mood improves through the week!!


Vanda said...

{{{Hugs}}} Dawn, hope you feel better soon ~ Vanda xXx

Mel said...

Hope the training day wasn't too bad - they are definitely one of the things I don't miss now I am (very) part time! Mel x